Who We Are
Impacting Southern Africa by planting physical and spiritual seeds.
Intuba envisions strengthening sustainability through environmental actions. Intuba began with two priorities for rural communities in Southern Africa:
To provide access to clean, safe water and sustainable agriculture.
Intuba started as an "International Fountain of Hope" and was recently renamed to Intuba, meaning "access" or "gateway" in the Zulu language. Intuba's efforts provide access or a gateway to a better quality of life, both physically and spiritually.
We, as an organization, have listened deeply to the community's cries for easier access to a clean, sustainable water source. At the same time, these rural communities yearn for a better yield for their crops every year- crops that mean life through adequate nourishment. Our approach gives them an economic opportunity to sell quality crops for profit.
If we can help communities access clean water and provide sustainable crops for themselves, it's a huge win! But our vision doesn't stop there. We also connect with communities, support groups, and organizations to help them get access to their social and educational needs.
What We Do
Revitalizing Sub-Saharan Africa.
One village at a time.
1 out of 9 people worldwide lack access to clean, safe drinking water.
In Southern Africa, millions of women and children must walk 4 miles and sometimes 5-8 hours daily to access water.
Any water they can access is above ground in streams and rivers and is often filled with bacteria and diseases that cause even more suffering for the local villages.
The water crisis is the #1 global risk facing our communities today based on its impact on society.​
The Southern Africa region has undergone decades of social plight of women, men, and children. The reality of global poverty today leaves communities without access to resources that can help promote education, health, income levels, and the overall thriving of human potential.
We aim to help these communities access the resources they desire. Through our work, we can offer educational supplies, fees for schooling, clothing, tools, transportation, and much more.
The dry, sub-Sahara climate of Southern Africa leaves rural communities struggling to keep crops healthy and viable throughout the year.
Many communities practice survival gardening: planting crops year-round so that they have enough to provide for themselves and their families.
The lack of access to sustainable food is one of the most urgent world emergencies. People in Southern Africa are some of the most disadvantaged regarding farming skills and sustainable agriculture.​
When the team at Intuba evaluates the individual community projects, we consider the many variables each community and country offers. Our overarching goal for each project is to establish a self-sustainable community that can take on the many variables that living in a Sub-saharan climate offers. We want the communities in which we work to grow and thrive!
Our goal for every community project has the following components in each, with variables added depending on the specific community needs and challenges:
WATER SOURCE: A supply of clean water available year-round and not susceptible to climate change or drought. The average cost of drilling a borehole in Southern Africa is over $10,000, and Intuba contracts out to reputable and trustworthy partners to drill our wells. We will also evaluate existing boreholes to determine whether we need a new well or to rehabilitate an existing well. Water catchment projects are also part of the strategy that Intuba uses (Khomga, South Africa) if drilling a new well is not permitted or possible.
WASH PROGRAM: Intuba understands that bringing in a clean water source without effective education is irresponsible. We teach a simple method of WASH (water, sanitation, and hygiene). Our objective is to have a new latrine built in the community close to the water source and to teach simple but effective hand-washing techniques to all community members. It has been stated by W.H.O. (world health organization) that when you include a complete WASH program, the overall health of a community is improved by 93%.​​
RAISED BED & DRIP IRRIGATION GARDEN: Once a sustainable source of clean water is provided to a community, Intuba will begin to develop a community garden, bringing a much-needed source of nutrition to the members of the community. As the garden is expanded, the intention is to produce a sufficient quantity of vegetables that the excess is then taken to and sold at the local market, thus producing a much-needed source of community revenue.​​
FENCING: Unless the new borehole and gardens have effective fencing, animals and external elements will destroy or limit the life of the community project.​​
TRAINING: Our Intuba team leader will work with the community leaders to ensure proper training and methods are taught to all community members. It is to be understood that this project is their project, and the responsibility for success comes from within the community. Part of the training that Intuba undertakes is to establish a firm understanding of sound business principles and ethics.​​​
SOLAR PUMPS AND STORAGE TANKS: It is not uncommon for a new borehole in Southern Africa to serve a vast territory and population. Due to the excessive use of the borehole, it usually is necessary to include a submersible pump powered by Solar panels and to have the water pumped into large storage containers to which the community can have all day and night access.​​​
BUSINESS EVALUATION AND TRAINING: Intuba does not consider a project complete until we conduct a regional business seminar led by a certified Intuba Team Leader. This two-day seminar will include sound business practices such as reinvesting profits into the community and saving proceeds to repair and maintain boreholes and garden improvements. We will also assess the local community's needs and determine what protein project best serves the community and surrounding area.​​​
‘PROTEIN’ PROJECTS: Intuba will introduce a protein project into each community project depending on the community's needs and potential market. These projects include chicken (either egg or broilers), rabbits, fish, goats, cattle, pigs, etc. These protein projects start small and can be scaled according to the community's needs and abilities.